
January 2017 Horoscopes

  • Black Rose Spiritual Center
  • Bozeman Magazine
  • Montana Pioneer

Approximately 260 characters to sign.

Aries: Saturn and Mars square off from the 18th through the 24th indicating you will be busy without a lot of spare time. There are no easy short cuts, the best to do is hunker down and focus. Privacy is at a premium so enjoy it when you can get it.


Taurus: Venus is all wrapped up in Pisces this month so mixed signals and unexpected romantic results could be at hand. You are an earth sign so you know when it is time to double check finances. If looking for a new job, interview on the 6th or 12th


Gemini: Get anything involving partnership settled before the 12th for best effect. Joint finances are featured, was it you or your partner who overspent for the holiday? Whomever it was, focus on solving the problem, not playing the name game.


Cancer: You may want to crawl into your shell and hide from the world, but be careful to make sure that you are not cutting yourself off from what can heal you. You may want to leave yourself with some quick getaway plans for peace of mind this month.


Leo: A conversation with an authority figure on the 10th or 11th could become heated quickly. Be willing to take a step back and bite your tongue a minute or two – it could mean the difference of whether you have a job or not on the 12th.


Virgo: The Full Moon will have you ready to spend some quiet time with your sweetie. Just let friends and family know so they do not get the wrong impression about your disappearance. Wait until after the 15th for best results in new love.


Libra: You always keep things in balance, but January seems tailored made for you, friend Libra. Jupiter spends the month in your sign, giving you lots of energy and strong long term connections. Wait until after the 6th for financial negotiations.


Scorpio: With so much activity in the skies your are sure to have a great month. Venus in Pisces is combining with Mars to heat up romance – new or old. Money or things of value could be lost on the 12th, 15th or 16th; keep track of your wallet.


Sagittarius: You will still need to keep track of the invitations coming your way as the New Year begins. The Sun in Capricorn shines some bright energy on your personal finances – you should be feeling good about them, if not it is time to reassess.


Capricorn: Work matters seem to be going very well. Jupiter’s generosity in your house of career has led to a great few months. But, has career success been at the expense of family matters? Now is the time to bring career and family into balance.


Aquarius: The New Year starts off with a bang for you Aquarius! The Mars and Neptune interaction has emotions running high for a new love or deepening of an existing relationship. Emotions hold center stage for you on the 12th as well.



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November 8, 2019